For my F word Fig Newton kept popping into my head so why not, I went with it.
The Fig Newton was invented in 1891 and have been Nabisco's third best selling product with sales of more then a billion bars a year. .
WOW!!!! Since their invention there have been many additions to the product line besides the popular fig variety, including strawberry, raspberry and mixed fruit. The newest Newton products are the Newton Fruit Crisp and Newton Thins. There is even a National Fig Newton Day on Jan. 16.
WHO KNEW!!!!!!!
So who the heck is eating all those Fig Newtons. I can honestly say that I have not bought a Fig Newton since hmmm.....
.NEVER. I think back at all my millions of grocery trips and I can't even remember seeing one box of Fig Newtons in anybody's cart. I see plenty of Chips Ahoy's, Oreo's, and even a few Lorna Doone's but never one Fig Newton in sight.
I think my dislike of a Fig Newton began back in my childhood. My mom loved to bake so she rarely bought any boxed cookies except for Fig Newtons. When she had no time to make us her delectable chocolate chip or melt in your mouth butter cookies we were offered a Fig Newton. What a let down. It was either a Fig Newton or nothing.
OK so it must be the a nutritional value of a Fig Newton that draw people in.
Two Fig Newtons serving size is 110 calories, dietary fiber of 1.0 and fat of 2.0.
Three Chips Ahoys serving size is 160 calories, dietary fiber of 0.7 and fat of 8.0.
Per serving Chips Ahoy is higher but your getting one more cookie.
If you break it down to eating only two,
better tasting, Chips Ahoy's its only 106 calories and fat content is under 5.0. Even with the additional fat content, hands down I would always pick a Chips Ahoy over a Fig Newton.
Bye By Hydrox |
So when cookies such as the Hydrox (like an Oreo) and Marshmallo Sandwich cookies (Mallows) have gone to the big cookie heaven in the sky, the Fig Newtons remain a favorite, to whom I do not know.
Any Fig Newton lovers out there?
Mary Ann